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Frequently Asked Questions
We hope the answers below will answer your questions!
How do I join the Microphone InitiativeTo join follow these steps: 1. Join our Discord Server where all live update are published: 2. Sign up for a role on our Careers Page 3. Wait for an email from for an acceptance of rejection letter
How was the Microphone Initiative foundedThe Microphone Initiative was founded by Seokhyun (Nathan) Baek on September 12, 2021. The initiative was an idea sparked from a question Nathan's english teacher addressed: "raise your hand if you have heard about the SDG." Nathan observed that only 2 out out 23 students raised their hand up. He saw this as a pressing issue and discovered that youth engagement on the SDGs were slacking behind.​​ Therefore, he and the executive team found the Microphone Initiative with one united mission to provide a platform for young students to understand and discover the SDGs, then employ their ideas that may help advance the SDGs.
What is the Microphone Initiative?The Microphone Initiative is a 501(3)(c) international Gen-Z-led nonprofit that specializes in teaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and combating age-based discrimination.
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